des restrictions peuvent s'appliquer aux moyens de paiement. The Old Republic is set roughly 3,500 years before the events in the Star Wars films, but the conflict between the Empire and the Republic is a common theme throughout the series' timeline. 11/16 to 11/22 - Rakghoul Resurgence: Corellia. The choices to ether take Savik into your alliance or send her to the republic.
Rise of the Hutt Cartel is the first expansion to MMORPG set in the Old Republic era, which was first released on April 9, 2014. Swtor onslaught choices ' - In-game description Arcade is an offline PvE single-player or co-op/versus splitscreen (only on consoles) feature inDICE'sStar Wars Battlefront IIthat centers around fighting AI bots and/or practicing your skills as a.